
oracle apps interview questions

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     Re: What are the matching Po options in AP Invoice Workbench and whatis the different b\w them?

there are 2 ways,3 ways and 4 ways matching for PO.

In 2-way: what ever you have ordered for the PO you willmake the payment for the suppliers in
2- way i.e we will compare two documents PO and Invoice.
2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoiceinformation match within your tolerances:Quantity billed <= Quantity OrderedInvoice price <= Purchase order priceEg:Suppose we Had given PO for 100 items ,for that we willreceive invoice for 100 items. so that we will make paymentfor that 100 items.In 3-Way you will compare 3 documents i.ePO+reciept+Invoice.

3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoiceinformation match with the quantity tolerances defined:Quantity billed <= Quantity received.Eg:Suppose we have ordered 100 items in PO. But we hadreceived only 75 items ,But we had received invoice for 100items. so, we will make payment for only 75 items.In 4-Way you will compare 4 documents i.ePO+Receipt+Invoice+Inspection.

4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents andinvoice information match within the quantity tolerancesdefined:Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.Eg:Suppose we have 100 items in PO. Suppers send us 75items We will do inspection on those items what ever wehave received, If 15items got damaged. finally, we aregoing to make payment to the 60 items only.

We have raised the requisition and PO,and also raised the Invoice and made the payment but did notmatch with PO.

What we need to do with that pending PO ?
1)again mtach PO with invoice
2) Void the Payment, Cancel the Invoice, raise a new invoiceand match it against the PO

Can you split an Invoice?
u can split an invoice.in the invoice workbench windowselect the invoice and click the split option.Basically You doesn't split the invoice . You split theshedule payment of the invoice . You will get this optionwhen you click the tab of schedule payments of the invoice

Re: What are the types of requitions?
Purchase Requisition is used for making PO
Internal requisition is used for Internal sale order

Re: What are the steps to define a Bank?
there are 3 types of bank account

if ur defining internal and customer bank accounts u needto define payament format.

1.payment format describes in which method u want to makepayment to the supplier
2.how many invoices are to printed in a cheque.
3.how the cheque has to be printedafter defing this save ur work.
step 2------
1. enter ur bank name & branch name.
2. click on bank accounts
3. select internal
4. give gl accounts cash & cash clearning
5. click on payables doucument
6. define name of doc & attach ur payment format which wedefined in step one.
7. give the numbering from where to start.this are the mandatory setup's

Re: What are the types of Invoices , what is prepayment & steps to apply it to an Invoice ?
Invoices can be of many types viz.standard , debit memocredit memo, prepayment , employess expense report, mixedinvoices and so on...

Prepayment is liek an advance payment to supplier...innormal parlance prepayment means you have made payment forsomethin even though you havent enjoyed the benefit of th esame.

Frst you have to create a prepaymnet invoce and then makethe payment for the saem.when you ll create an invoice for the same supplier a popup will come which will provide you with the informationthat one prepayment can be apllied to this invoice.

Go to "actions" then "Apply or unapply prepayment"A form will open where in you will have to check the box inthe applied section.

You can apply the enitre amount in one invoice or multipleinvoice.The amounts can be changed as per your requirement.

in payables 11 types of Invoices are therethat is

1. Standard Invoice
2. Debit memo
3. Credit memo
4. Expencess report
5. Mixed Invoice
6. Prepayment
7. PO defualt
8. With holding tax
9. Reccuring Invoice
10.Interest Invoice
11.Quick match
prepayment : advance payment you make to a suppliers oremployee. If you enter Temporary for the Prepayment typefield, then you can later apply prepayment to an invoice

two types of prepayments are there, namely, temporary andpermanent. In case of earlier one. it is treated as advanceto the supplier and will be adjusted againest any invoiceon or after the settlement date but in case of later one,it is treated as deposit with the supplier.

Re: What are the Accounting Entries in P2P.in OracleFinancial terminology ?

he Accounting Entries in P2P cycle

when we receive the goods.A.
Inventory Item:-----------------

1.When we receive the goods(for staging areas)

Receiving Inventory A/c Dr
Inventory AP Accural A/c Cr

2.When we transfer the goods (to sub-inventory)
Inventory A/c Dr
Receiving Inventory A/c Cr

3.When We create AP Invoice matched to Purchase Order

Inventory AP Accrual A/c Dr
Liability A/c Cr

4.(a)When we make the payment and follows Reconciliation...

Liability A/c Dr

Cash Clearing A/c Cr

(b)When payment is cleared....
Cash Clearing A/c Dr
Cash A/c Cr


4. When we make the payment and we are not followingReconciliation.......

Liability A/c Dr
Cash A/c Cr

And the Final When issued to Dept........
Expencse A/c Dr
Invemtory A/c Cr

B.Expense Item:---------------
1.When we receive the goods(for staging areas)

Receiving Inventory A/c Dr
Inventory AP Accural A/c Cr

2.When we transfer the goods (to sub-inventory)

Expense A/c Dr
Receiving Inventory A/c Cr

3.When We create AP Invoice matched to Purchase Order

Inventory AP Accrual A/c Dr

Liability A/c Cr

4.(a)When we make the payment and follows Reconciliation...

Liability A/c Dr
Cash Clearing A/c Cr

(b)When payment is cleared....

Cash Clearing A/c Dr
Cash A/c Cr

4. When we make the payment and we are not followingReconciliation.......
Liability A/c Dr
Cash A/c Cr

Re: What is meant by RFQ?

RFQ terms is widely used in Purchasing context,it meansrequest for quotation . This is prepared to requestsupplier to send his quotation for mentioned items andquantities. Supplier send its quotation to buyer, which
buyer enters into application.

there are three types of rfq

standard rfq--- one time purchase

bid rfq --- when the items are less & cost is more
ex- diamond

catalog  rfq ---  when the items are more & cost is less

ex- nuts ,bolts, ect

if we enable rfq at the site level we cant riase a qfq fromthat site.

Re: what is meant by accural report? it consist of ?

hey are two Accrual methods
1 Accrue on Recepit
2 Accre at period end

Accre on receipt means that when a receipt is saved,accrual transactions are immeditely recorded and sent to glinterface. This is also known as "online" accruals.Accrue at periond end means that when a receipt is saved,the accrual transactions are not immediately recorded andsent to gl; instead the accounting entries are generatedand sent at the end of the month by running the ReceiptAccrual-Period End process

Re: How to make an Item as a Stock Item but not forSale.

Change the Item Attributes to Y for InventoryItem/Stockable (Inventory Tab) and N for CustomerOrdered/Customer Orders Enabled (Order Management Tab)

Re: define the difference between cycle counting and  physical inventory?

Cycle Count : Periodic counting of inventory items atregular intervals
Physical Inventory : Counting is done once / twice a year

Cycle Count : We can schedule the count
Physical Inventory : We cannot schedule this.

Cycle Count : We cannot have a snap shot
Physical Inventory : We can have a snap shot

Cycle Count : We can view the qty in the system
Physical Inventory : We can not view the qty in system

Cycle Count : We cane select the items using ABC analysis.
Physical Inventory : It is done for all the items.

Cycle Count : We need not to freeze inventory transactions.
Physical Inventory : Need to freeze inventory transactions.
Cycle Count : Recount is possible
Physical Inventory : Recount is not possible.

Cycle Count : We can maintain recount history.
Physical Inventory : No recount, hence no history.

Cycle Count : Adjustments can be procesed on approval.
Physical Inventory : Can be done using adjustment concurrentA physical inventory is done once a year to check andcorrect the accuracy of your inventory. Often used bybanks to audit their investment into your company or tosimply reset your stock levels so that inventory is correctand customer service is not impacted by wrong information.

A cycle counts purpose is to find systemic problems, it isNOT intended to ensure your inventory accuracy or fix youron hand quantities. Those are mere bi-products of a cyclecount.

All inventories will have different classification ofproducts called A,B,C,D classification. These classes aredefined by the criticalness and movement of a product wherean A item is high dollar / high mover, and a D item issomething that is identified by the dust it has on theshelf.

A cycle count filters through your inventory over a courseof a year. A company may choose to count all their A items4 times a year, B items 3 times a year, C items twice, andD once.

The theory behind the Cycle Count is to monitor yoursystems (processes and proceedures). Are you pulling partscorrectly, are they marked correctly, is paperwork beingprocessed, is the receiving dept. counting items on theinbound, are product bar coded correctly, is a bill ofmaterial correct, theft, and a hundred other things thatcould possibly cause your inventory to go out of balance.

A cycle count finds those flaws and offers you a chance tocorrect them.

The reason an A item is counted more often than a D is notbecause of Value $$, yet because it is subjected to yourprocesses a lot more. Assuming you have a very solidsystem/process, you constantly test it (via Cycle Counts),and you apply that same exact process to an A item as youdo a D, there is a very high probablility that yourinventory accuracy on the D item will be as accurate asyour A, even though you only counted it once in a years span.

Lastly, a good cycle count has a Hit of Miss criteria.There are always going to be acceptable levels oftolerance. Simply put, do we really care if we are off by1 or 2 pcs. of a $0.01 part that we stock THOUSANDS of?NO! So we identify those tolerances. If your counts fallwith in those tolerances, you have a HIT (good thing). IFthey fall outside of the tolerance you have a MISS (badthing).

Misses are investigated. Problems researched and solutions

secured. THEN as a final measure you would schedule theMISS for a future cycle count, say in a couple of weeks toensure the fix worked, the process is functioning and thesystem is good.

Basic idea behind conducting Stock Count thru Cycle Count (CC)orPhysical Inventory (PI) remains the same of streamlining yourinventory. Now it is not mandatory to conduct the CC or PI yearly onceor once in six months or 3 months so on and so forth, this is purelythe decision of the business (client).

Conducting the stock count process remains same in CC or PI on abroader level.Both processes;
1.select the items for the count
2.system snapshot
3.printing report of system snapshot without item qty
4.entering physical stock qty
5.printing report for the qty variation between physical and system qty
6.recounting the item quantities in case of variation above tolerancelevel (optional)
7.approving the qty varaitions8.posting the adjustment with appropriate transaction type andtransaction account

Differences in CC and PI:CC - 

It is stock count method where you select item or list of itemswhich have to be counted.Now you can select the items either bymanually selecting for each CC or by creating item groups using ABCanalysis. By performing ABC Analysis you group the items and performthe CC for each group or collectively.You execute the CC programs andtake the system snapshot as on date. Later you either manually enterthe physical qty or import the physical qty using interface program.

PI - It is stock count method where you select items in an inventoryorg or subinventory/subinventories. Then you execute the generate tagsprogram to create unique tag no. for each item in the list andsu bsequently take system snapshot. Then you manually enter the physicalqty against each item and find the variance and finally pass theadjustment on approval.

Re: what is the purpose of item master organisations?can we define more than one item master?

In IMO we can define and Maintain items.
The organization that contains your master list of items.

One IMO is Must,and We can define more than One (IMO)Itemmaster Org
Item master orgnization is vertual organitions where notransaction will be carried out.Used only to define items.

Yes it is possible to have multiple IMOs but notrecommended.It may lead to confusions

Re: Wanted to send the Notification to the Supplier by e-mail.

At supplier site, mention the email id or on the PO whenyou click on 'Approve' Button, a form opens, enable theemail check box and enter the Supplier mail id. Ensurethat the length of the email id is less than 50 charactersas per 11.5.9 version.

In addition to above

You can send the PO after creation or approval by -Use the PO Summary>Tool>Communicate functionality to sendthe PO to any one by Email Address.

You can also have supplier role setup in iSupplier throughwhich you can send the emails to supplier without anycustomization in Oracle Workflow

Re: What is the different between 11i and R12 inoracle ?

•Multi-Org Access Control
•Ledger and Ledger Sets
•Subledger Accounting
•Tax Engine•Intercompany
•Bank Model

Re: How do i generate Taxes when i'm doing Return To Vendor Transaction?

There is one option in the supplier for automatic creditmemo when we reverse the grn

Re: What is meant by Position Hierarchy and Supervisor Hierarchy ????

* Position Hierarchy :

X can see the position below him in the hierarchy . He canalso see the reporting positions.Y has a second assignment for a different position .Because assignment-level security is disabled, X can seethis assignment. X cannot see the positions below theposition for Y second assignment.**

Supervisor Hierarchy :

This means that when a manager logs on to Oracle HRMS, theapplication uses assignment or supervisor attributes tobuild a person tree with the manager at the top level. Theperson tree shows the direct reports for the manager and also any direct reports at lower levels of the hierarchy towhich the manager has access.

The structure of the person tree depends on whether you areusing an assignment-based or person-based supervisorsecurity profile

Re: Can i assign a supplier type of bank account to more than one supplier ?

Yes..we can assign the supplier bank account to more thanone supplier. For this, we have to enable the "allowassignment to multiple suppliers" option at bank account level.
In R12 the bank model is totally changed.
> Centralized bank model.
> Banks are at LE level unlike OU level in 11i
> There is no concept of supplier or customer. Instead called as"Trading Partner" (naming convention)
.>A Trading Partner can be a Seller (supplier) or a buyer(customer) forthe organization.
> A bank can be used for both AP and AR or any of these modules.

Hope this brief points can help you.

Re: Which interface tables are used for InvoiceImport , give the important columns?
Interface Tables are:


Important Columns are:

Important Columns are:

Re: Payment Methods?

electronic--- organisation makes payment through e-commercegateway.they send file to bank and bank makes the paymentto the suppier.

wire---A payment method where you pay invoices outside ofPayables by notifying your bank that you want to debit youraccount and credit your supplier's account with appropriatefunds.

Re: I paid 10,000 Rs in advance to the employee for meeting his expenses. The employee met only 5000
 expenses and the remaining 5000 he has to retern tothe company. How will you define it.

Employeer is defined as Supplier in expenses so we need to create Credimemo for that remaining 5000 amount.

Re: What is meant by pay on receipt auto invoice?

Pay on Receipt- You can enter this if the supplier site isa purchasing site.
        If you want to use the Pay on ReceiptAutoInvoice Program to automatically create invoices basedon receipts you enter for this supplier site, enter Receipt.

Navigation : Payables->Supplier->Supplier Sites->Purchasing->Self Billing [DFF].

When option is enabled, Invoice will be createdautomatically at the time of receiving goods/receiptcreation. This is a feature of AP to PO cycle.

Re: What is the difference between Operating ID and Org. ID.

Org_id: to represent Operating Unit
Organization_id : to represent Inventory Org –confirm

Re: difference between manual payment and quick payment?

Manual payment is used to pay the invoices manually usingout checks,

whereas quick payments are made thru EDI/EFT orinside clearing or bank transfers in a batch

Re: Why shud we run Expense report import programmein AP..where are we importing from??

To import the expense invoice details from 'Expense report'window to 'Invoice' workbench. Once we enter the expensedetails in expense window we need to generate one standardinvoice based on the expense information. Unless we can'tconvert the expense report as std invoice we can't pay tothe emp. As it's a std application feature , withoutinvoice we can't make a single payment in application.

Expense report is also just like another source (internal),to create std invoice from expense report we need to runthe 'Payable invoice import program' (parameter sourceas 'Expense report').

Re: What is meant by void payments?

void  means useless.
u can use void funtion after payment of invoice, so when uvoid a payament payables automatically reverses theaccounting.

void payments  restrictions
1. when payment paid by third party.
2. when payment got clearence from bank
3. when the related invoices has prepayment to it.
4. partially paid

Re: What is the purpose of MO: Security Option profile option ?

MO:Operating Unit Profile Option is used to LinkResponsiblity with Operating unit.
MO: Security Profile option is used to enable "MOAC" - Multi-Org AccessControl.

Example Case:Payment manager wants to pay for 2 different OUs.

In 11i:--------

* We should have 2 different responsibility. ie.,OU1_payables manager &OU2_Payables manager.

* These responsibilities has to be assigned to that particular user(Payment manager)
* That particular user (Payment manager) will login to theOU1_payables manager responsibility and does the payment.
*Similarly, will login to the OU2_payables manager responsibility anddoes the payment.

In R12:-------

* Create only one responsibility. say, Payables manager resposibility.

* Assign this responsibility to the user (payment manager)
* Define a 'security profile' in HR in which you will attach the OUsthat needs MOAC (Multi-Org Access Control)
* Now go into the " MO: Security Profile" option and attache that'security profile' at responsibilty level.
* Now the user can access two different OUs and make payments, sittingat a single responsibility without changing the responsibility.

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